Workshops in BIH continues

A meeting with representatives of the trade union organization of the Ministry of Labor and Veterans-Disability Protection in the Government of Republika Srpska, aimed at strengthening the structures and trade union members for the protection of labor rights was held on September 20, 2019. MA Milorad Mitrovic, Secretary of the Trade Union of Administration of Republika Srpska and President of the trade union organization of the Ministry, informed the attendees about the forms of endangering labor rights and mechanisms for their protection.
Focus of the workshop held within the Erasmus+ project “Rights at work, work on rights” was put on changes expected within reform of the labor law, adoption of new regulations on regulating the rights and obligations of civil servants and employees, as well as on the activities that are undertaken in order to improve the mechanisms of protection of labor rights.
Young trade union activists have shown a great interest, enthusiasm and willingness to actively participate in the work of the trade union in the future and to engage more in joint fight for better position of employees.