TUNE project is continuing

Development Center for Youth announces continuation of the partnership with the United Societies of Balkans (USB) from Greece, on the project “TUNE” (Transnational United Network of Europe). Over the next 12 months, we will continue to work together with 17 partners across Europe to implement a variety of youth-oriented activities.
TUNE (Transnational United Network of Europe), coordinated by USB, plans to hold more than 20 information sessions during 2024, with participation of more than 250 young people. Goal of these sessions is to involve as many young people as possible in the processes of creation and consultation related to the European Youth Strategy, as well as other important initiatives such as e-participation, democracy and others.
“This project represents a significant contribution to supporting young people in acquiring the information and skills they need in order to actively participate in social processes of relevance.” The continuation of this partnership and set of activities in 2024 promises further development and improvement of the social engagement of young people in Serbia and the region” , pointed out Veljko Avramović after finalizing the kick-off meeting.
Project is implemented within the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and brings together organizations from Serbia, Greece, France, Italy, Poland, Republic of Ireland, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Turkey, Romania and Albania.