Coaches Of Younger Categories Clearly Stated: Football In The Region Can And Must Be Developed Jointly

Coaches of younger categories clearly stated: football in the region can and must be developed jointly

Football coaches of younger categories should be considered an important link in the upbringing and education of children and youth, and not only people who deal with their physical performance and guide them towards top results – this is one of the central conclusions reached, after intensive discussions and dynamic workshops at the regional networking event being part of the “Creating Life Champions” project.

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New/old Partnership, New Adventure!

New/old partnership, new adventure!

Development Center for Youth proudly presents another partnership and set of activities it will be working on over the next 12 months with 17 different actors across Europe. TUNE – Transnational United Network in Europe (TUNE – Transnational United Network in Europe), whose coordinator is the association United Societies of Balkans (USB) from Greece, in cooperation with other partners, will hold over 50 info sessions and thus involve as many people as possible in development and consultations in connection with the European strategy for youth, but also other significant processes that young Europeans can be a part of if they have enough information and desire to become socially active.

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Montenegro Meets The Life Champions

Montenegro meets the Life Champions

After Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia, it was Montenegro’s turn to learn more on life champions! Consortium of the project “Creating Life Champions” organized an Info day in cooperation with the football club Breznica from Pljevlja in order to present the ideas and plans of the concept of life champions, but also to jointly determine the modalities for further cooperation and joining of the first Montenegrin club to the project.

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Embrace For Student Of Medical Sciences

Embrace for student of medical sciences

Activists of Development Center for Youth, Katarina Eger and Veljko Avramović held another workshop on the topic of green politics as part of the project “Environmental Mobility By Raising Awareness on Changing our Earth – EMBRACE” whose coordinator is USB organization from Greece. The workshop itself aimed to introduce young people to the concepts of ecology and sustainable development, this time at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade.

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