Final consortium meeting held
After the final conference, which exceeded all expectations of the consortium, both in terms of the structure of participants and proposals received for further joint…
Brochure and animation on youth labor rights prepared and presented
Project "Rights at Work, Work on Rights", in addition to already presented ones, has introduced another two significant products - a brochure "Guide through youth…
Young workers asked, their peers answered - 10 FAQ on labor rights
Young workers asked, we have answered within the project "Rights at Work, Work on Rights". Series of 10 frequently asked questions and answers went around…
Training on project cycle management for regional partners held
Aleksandra Knežević, program director of Development Center for Youth and consultant for international cooperation, held a three-day training at Mountain Zlatibor for members of partner…
About the project "Rights at Work, Work on Rights" with representatives of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia
In order to get as many as possible trade union leaders and activists from the region acquainted with activities and results of the project supported…
Visit to Slovenia as a step in strengthening the partner network
Delegation of Development Center for Youth, led by its program director Aleksandra Knežević, visited Ljubljana on October 16 to meet with representatives of the Slovenian…
Working Sunday as an introduction to further activities in the Municipality of Raška
Young participants of the project "Face to Face with Local Administration", with presence and support of the representatives of Development Center for Youth from Belgrade…
Project “Face to Face with Local Administration” starts from Kopaonik
Training „Face to Face with Local Administration" took place, as the first in a series of activities, at Kopaonik mountain, in organization of Development Centre…
Workshops in BIH continues
A meeting with representatives of the trade union organization of the Ministry of Labor and Veterans-Disability Protection in the Government of Republika Srpska, aimed at…
Development Center for Youth at the Conference under the EU Strategy for Danube Region
Development Center for Youth is one of 170 participants of international conference under the European Union Strategy for Danube Region “Combating social Exclusion and marginalization”.…