Questionnaire on youth trade union activism in public sector

Dear young workers, young trade union activists, we are facing specific challenge which we will hopefully all overcome with success. As we are currently in a phase of diminished activities and dormancy, this may be a good time for all of us to give a thorough and more careful look at some of the issues we want to address together when this situation is over.
Therefore, in front of you there is a QUESTIONNAIRE ON YOUTH TRADE UNION ACTIVISM IN PUBLIC SECTOR. Please take 2 minutes to participate in the survey within the project “Trade unions and their youth sections – new impetus of youth participation”, supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. Questionnaire should answer the questions on why young people engage in the trade union, what motivates and drives them for trade union activism, and how they believe that work of the trade union should be improved in order to respond better to the needs of young people, so that trade unions, whose part you are, can adapt their activities for young workers in the future.
Trade unions are a significant part of all social processes, and young people who are members of them are – their impetus. So, this may be a good time to come to your opinion on some of the issues that will become relevant again when we manage to deal with the consequences of this pandemic jointly, in solidarity and well organized. Perhaps it is precisely you who would give us guidance on how to act and activate yourselves next time when we face different challenges in society together.
Thank you in advance for your contribution, stay responsible and use the time in front of you for further personal and professional development and work on yourselves!