„TUNE“ workshops also in Belgrade

On Monday, September 26, another workshop was held as a part of the TUNE project. This time, the host was the Elementary School “Kneginja Milica” in Belgrade, whose students enthusiastically welcomed our educators and actively participated in the workshop, through conversation and asking a variety of questions.
“Through interactive workshops and an interesting presentation, we want to educate young people in our city, convey our experience to them and answer all the questions that they may have. Our goal is to explain to them the concepts of the European Strategy for Youth, European Youth Forum as un umbrella organization of youth all over Europe and the National Youth Council of Serbia as the umbrella organization of youth from Serbia and number of others, but also to bring them closer how they themselves can get involved in current social issues. Young people showed great interest and desire to be active, they asked many questions on the subject of volunteering, travel, and informal education in the areas that interest them. It was a pleasure for me to share my experience with them, to present our organization to them and inspire and motivate them to start creating a better tomorrow, for themselves and for generations yet to come” , the youth educator Katarina Eger told us after the workshop.
TUNE project (Transnational United Network in Europe) is implemented within the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and brings together organizations from Serbia, Greece, France, Italy, Poland, Northern Ireland, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Turkey, Romania and Albania. Coordinator of the project is the association United Societies of Balkans (USB) from Greece.