Professor Brajušković answers youth’s questions on vaccination

Questions that young people within the project “Vaccine needs your help” about the immunization aksed, Prof. Dr. Goran Brajušković from the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade answered.
In front of you is a video with the top 5 answers to the topic.
Goran Brajušković is a full professor at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, where he teaches molecular genetics, molecular cell biology and malignant cell molecular biology. His scientific work on the topic is the research of the molecular basis of malignant diseases within the Center for Human Molecular Genetics of the Faculty of Biology. In recent years, the main topic of his research has been prostate cancer. He is a frequent lecturer at the Petnica Research Station at seminars in biology and biomedicine. He also organized educational seminars for teachers of biology in primary and secondary schools. He is a forensic expert in the field of biology and paternity.
Here you can read all the answers of professor Brajušković to the questions that young people asked at the tribunes held in high schools in Raška. Almost 450 young people went through 25 public classes, thanks to whose desire for precise, clear and concrete information, this material is in front of you.
Project started with a donation to the Health Center in Raška, when protective and disinfection equipment worth almost 500,000 RSD was donated, which, along with tribunes, was accompanied by an intensive media campaign, thanks to which at least 10,000 more people were informed about all activities and results.
Project “Vaccine needs your help” was implemented by Development Center for Youth. Initiative is part of a broader project “Accountable Public Finance Management Platform” implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and funded by the Government of Sweden.