Peer educators from Montenegro tireless

New workshop has been conducted in Podgorica under the Erasmus+ project „Rights at Work, Work on Rights“. Young workers in Montenegro are mainly interested in mobbing, so most of the time has been dedicated to this topic.
Peer educators Ana Veljović, Marko Radetić and Jovan Martinović introduced the group of youth from different trade union organizations from Podgorica to other phenomena endangering youth rights in their working environment, as well as to mechanisms of protection and activities and aims of the project.
Discussion has been conducted through examples, and participants shared the situations that occurred to them during their working lifetime, and this way found out on different types of mobbing, which until then they did not even recognize as such. It was also pointed out to whom to address in case of labor rights violation.
Young workers are interested in trade union activism, so they could find out how to engage with the aim of stronger fight for their rights, as well as better education and informing on this subject.