Participants of the project “Sustainable associations for a strong community” in the process of knowledge transfer among colleagues from their associations

Participants of the project “Sustainable associations for a strong community” have began the process of selfless knowledge transfer from the initial training among colleagues from their associations during sessions organized precisely for sharing practical information and useful advice. How to run an association, how to shape an idea, how to write a project, how to implement approved project – these and numerous other topics they have learned about during the previous months, now have been discussed with other members of the associations they are coming from.
Project team has been with the participants all the time, providing mentoring and moral support, and info-sessions have been attended by more than 30 members from 6 associations involved in the project “Sustainable associations for a strong community”. Knowledge and information transfer continues and in the coming period we will have new gatherings, both live and online, since we are now halfway to the goal, and all will be realized in accordance with the current epidemiological situation.
Thanks to these info-sessions, the benefits will be provided not only to associations and their members involved, but also to the entire local community. All members of selected associations who have participated in the project from the start, as well as those to whom the knowledge has been transferred thanks to introduced concept of knowledge transfer, will continue to work together on project idea proposals that will be sent to different donors. Also, they will work together on sustainability and improving the quality of work of their associations, thus opening new opportunities for quality and diverse content that can be offered to wider community.
Upon realizing info-sessions in all associations involved, next phase of the project will be shaping of project ideas with mentoring support in order to have them presented at the Fair of project ideas in July. Since this gathering will represent the grand finale of a complex process, follow us for more information as an exciting spring and summer will follow.
Project “Sustainable Associations for a Strong Community” is implemented by Development Center for Youth in partnership with the Children’s Association of the Municipality of Raška. Initiative is part of a broader project “Accountable Public Finance Management Platform” implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and funded by the Government of Sweden.