With Goran Pandev in Strumica

Dynamic partnership with the Academy Pandev as part of the concept “Creating Life Champions” has continued with the presence of Aleksandra Knežević, coordinator of the concept and the project team at the Open Info Day of Brera Strumica football club, which the academy has grown into meanwhile.
On that day, sport-recreational center PANDEV has opened its doors wide for the children and youth – both current athletes of the club and all those interested in becoming one, as well as their parents. However, a special part of this one-day sport spectacle was hanging out with the football legend Goran Pandev, founder of the club and one of the ambassadors of the concept “Creating Life Champions”.
During the dynamic sport-informative and entertaining day, there have been talks about the club’s activities, plans for the future, possibilities for joining its work, and through a series of games of different formats, valuable prizes have been provided for those present. Apart from enjoying socializing and having fun, hundreds of children have been part of Goran Pandev’s birthday celebration, which gave the gathering a special charm.
Presence of representatives of the concept “Creating Life Champions” also has opened up stories about further cooperation and activities on the project, primarily through the participation of coaches in the next study visit specifically for coaches of younger categories, planned in the fall. In addition, the attendees have been introduced to the project’s messages and plans, as well as further directions for spreading the concept of life champions.
Two structures will continue in the upcoming period with partnership activities, which are currently being implemented with the support of the UEFA Foundation for Children and the ERASMUS+ program in the field of sport, with the intention of further strengthening this cooperation. Common mission is a sport for all, on which we will specifically work in the period ahead through the set of activities for youngsters to be free of charge.