UEFA Foundation for Children’s support is continuing in 2024

The best possible news have arrived today, on the International Children’s Day, in Serbia – the UEFA Foundation for Children, which advocates that every child is a champion, in 2024 will continue to support the organization that promotes the concept of sports in the service of creating, above all, life, and only then sports champions.
In direct cooperation with DEKI5 camp, during the year 2024 we will ensure that all summer activities are enriched with educational content and focused on socializing, bonding and learning through sports, focusing on happy children and children who enjoy sports above all.
However, as the network of partners led by the Pandev Academy Brera Strumica expands and includes a large number of actors from the sports, youth and educational sectors (among others, a larger number of women’s football clubs), next year the special focus will be on creating female life champions. Sport should contribute to the promotion of positive values, and the promotion of gender equality and the strengthening of the role and position of girls in and through sport is one of them.
In addition to more intensive inclusion of girls in all planned activities – from info days to large summer camps, we will continue with the education of professional staff who work with younger categories, but also with the introduction of activities that will involve parents to a greater extent, starting from the fact that the triangle “child-parent-coach” is the strongest link for achieving the well-being of children in sports.
In the coming year, our activities will be implemented in Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Bulgaria, along with the active partners from Turkiye, showing that the concept of life champions is a universal value that sport should strive for, regardless of country, rank or sports discipline.
Development Center for Youth, as the project coordinator, congratulates all the partners involved in the consortium, as well as all grant winners whose list can be found at the following link: https://rb.gy/fdh54s. We are proud that we have been chosen among 28 best projects for Europe in a competition of over a thousand projects.
Official launch of the project and announcement of upcoming activities are planned for the end of December 2023. More information will follow.