TUNE activities continue

Tune (1)

A four-day online training was held between October 7-8 and 14-15 with the aim of reviewing ICT and democratic tools for e-participation and best practices for using electronic tools in work with youth.

The first of 20 planned informative activities aims to include as many young people as possible in the processes of creation and consultation related to the European Strategy for Youth, as well as other important initiatives on the topics such as democracy, e-participation and other related ones. Interesting interactive sessions, in addition to theoretical lectures, also included practical exercises with selected tools, various case studies, guided action planning, as well as group work and role playing. Development Center for Youth has been represented by Anastasija Nenadović and Veljko Avramović, who pointed out that the training was extremely useful and important for all participants, and that through practical examples and workshops, the acquisition of knowledge was significantly facilitated.

The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and brings together organizations from Serbia, Greece, France, Italy, Poland, the Republic of Ireland, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Turkey, Romania and Albania.