Life Champions presented to the citizens of Velika Plana
Life Champions concept had its premiere in Velika Plana, at the initiative of the “Despot” football school, which, apart from the sports development of children and young people, pays great attention to their daily education and proper guidance in and through sports.
In the full hall of the Masuka Culture Center, Aleksandra Knežević, coordinator of the Life Champions concept, shared with the present parents, children and coaches the basic ideas and messages of the concept, which puts the educational and pedagogical role of coaches in the foreground, and focuses on creating top people, life champions , and not only top athletes.
“I am glad that the idea of Life Champions is spreading because it is based on the promotion of solidarity, understanding, cooperation and fair play, and implies involvement of the entire society, from local to international level. These are values that can lead to progress, and values that we should nurture from the youngest age. Although the activities are carried out with the support of the European Commission and the UEFA Foundation for Children, it is especially gratifying when actors from the community, such as in this case the “Despot” football school, themselves recognize that joining the concept can be important both for them and for the children,” Aleksandra Knežević said.
During the forum, special emphasis was put on the safety of children on the Internet, and Igor Jurić, founder and director of the Center for Missing and Abused Children, discussed this topic with the attendees. Those present received useful information and advice on the topic of safe use of the Internet, learning how to protect their profiles on social networks, but also whom to turn to in case they need help and support. With several short films inspired by real events, attendees learned first-hand about the consequences of unsafe use of the Internet and social networks.
Referring to the forum format and content, Aleksandra Knežević has pointed out that the topics are complementary since the Life Champions concept is trying to educate through sports, among other things, about negative phenomena related to digital technologies. Sport is a powerful channel for disseminating social messages of importance and should be perceived as such, taking into account its wider social relevance, she concluded.