Continuation of successful cooperation with DEKI5 camp in 2025

Development center for youth and DEKI5 Football camp continue their successful cooperation in 2025 with implementation of the project “Life Champions 3.0: every child has a right to be a champion“. Representative of Development center for youth, Nikola Sovrlić and DEKI5 Football camp, Đorđe Pajić signed an agreement on continuation of the collaboration on January 30, highlighting the importance of empowering and including young people through sports and promoting social connections among children and youth.
The successful three-year cooperation was marked by numerous joint activities on development of the Life Champions concept, and after last year’s focus on the inclusion of girls in sports, this year the partners will jointly advocate for supporting the children without parental care, guided by the motto that every child is a champion.
In this regard, the activities within the project will be enriched with new educational content and activities in centers for children without parental care. The project will include training for coaches, visits to centers for abandoned children, organization of sports games and donations of equipment, while the central activities will be realized in the summer period through 5 shifts at DEKI5 camp, thus providing an opportunity for children and young people to create through games and sports memories for a lifetime.
The project “Life Champions 3.0: every child has a right to be a champion” in 2025 is supported by the UEFA Foundation for Children.