COMPASS regional training course in April

April in Belgrade will be marked with a COMPASS regional training course in the field of human rights education in the organisation of Development Center for Youth from Belgrade and its partner Trade Union Education Center from Banja Luka, with the support of Youth Department of the Council of Europe. From April 7-11 on the mountain Avala will be gathering of young trade union activists from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia who will be empowered for further acting and transfer of knowledge to their colleagues and peers.
This year, total of 10 countries will provide the COMPASS national and regional training courses, but this one in Serbia will be unique, above all thanks to its innovativity, since human rights will be implemented through the prism of labor rights of young people, with the accent on young trade union leaders and activists.

Special part of the training will be dedicated to the COMPASS manual with practical exercises from it, but the other educational tools of the Council of Europe will be mentioned as well. After the training in Belgrade, idea is that the participants conduct their own workshops in their respective countries, where they will be in the role of educators and will apply learned from COMPASS regional training course in Serbia.