Peer workshop in Pljevlja

Radionica Prava U Radu CG 1

After a workshop in Podgorica, one more was held in Pljevlja under the Erasmus+ project “Rights at Work, Work on Rights” supported by the European Commission.

During the local activity peer educators Ana Veljović, Marko Radetić, Jovan Martinović and Ratko Pejović have introduced young trade union members from different organisations from Pljevlja with the project and activities within it.

Delegation from Montenegro again decided to put the accent on mobbing because young workers does not have idea yet what this term really represent and in which ways this right has been violated. From examples that were presented by the educators, as well as the ones they shared among themselves, participants have understood better what actually their labor rights are, how to protect them and whom to address if these rights are violated.

Young trade unionists were also talking on common networking, ways on how to achieve their labor rights and combat for them. They underlined that future education and informing on this subject would be crucial for young employees.