Young workers asked, their peers answered – 10 FAQ on labor rights

Prava U Radu Snimanje 2

Young workers asked, we have answered within the project “Rights at Work, Work on Rights”. Series of 10 frequently asked questions and answers went around the region and dealt with the concerns that worry young employees and for which they asked for answers.

Their peers answered the questions and transferred knowledge gained through participation in the project, during which they were prepared to act as peer educators.

“Why is it important for me to be adequately informed about my labor rights?”, “How can I inform on my labor rights?”, “As young worker, how can I recognize mobbing – the most common way of violation of my labor rights these days?”, ” Why do I need protection of a trade union, when I can fight for my rights on my own?”, are just some of the questions that young people have asked for and got answered , and all of it you can watch on this link.

Project “Rights at Work, Work on Rights” is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.